This statement is published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. This is an update to the first statement prepared by Oxford Metrics plc and describes the steps it and its subsidiary companies (together “OM”) have taken to prevent modern slavery, human rights violations, child labour, and trafficking throughout its business and in its supply chains during the year ending 30th September 2024.
Our business
OM has subsidiary companies in the UK, Germany, New Zealand, and the US. Revenues are generated from smart sensing and software servicing life sciences, entertainment and engineering markets.
Our Principles and Policies
As a global business, with a global supply chain, we are committed to upholding human rights and we are taking steps to ensure that there is no slavery, servitude, child or forced labour, or human trafficking, or any other form of exploitation as contemplated by the Modern Slavery Act in any part of our business or our supply chain.
Throughout our own businesses, and in the treatment of our employees and contractors, we have processes and procedures that aim to ensure the highest standards of ethics, values and corporate social responsibility are adhered to. We have a staff handbook that includes policies on Whistleblowing, Information Security, Corruption and anti-bribery, Harassment and Bullying, and a Code of Conduct. Through these policies, we clearly set out that employees are to be treated fairly, no harassment of any kind is permitted, and business decisions must reflect the high standards of ethics, values, and corporate responsibility we are committed to.
Assessment of risk
OM has business relationships with customers globally very few of which are in impoverished regions of the world, where labour laws may be both less stringent and less systematically enforced. Therefore we consider our customer relationships to be relatively low risk in terms of modern slavery, human trafficking and human rights violations. However should any concern be identified we will implement remedial measures.
OM uses local suppliers wherever this is appropriate. However our supply chain is global. Supplier due diligence is always undertaken. OM does not support or deal with any businesses believed to be involved in human rights violations and we perform due diligence checks on potential suppliers to try to ensure we only deal with businesses who observe a standard of ethics, values and environmental and social responsibility similar to our own. The outcome of the due diligence process will determine whether or not we will deal with a supplier.
All employees are required to produce documentation to prove they are able to work legally in the countries where they are employed to help ensure that there is no forced or trafficked labour in our companies. No employee is paid below the Living Wage.
Statement of Principles on Child and Forced Labour
OM recognises that modern slavery encompasses slavery, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking and it includes adults and children being forced to work against their will.
OM does not engage in or condone the unlawful employment or exploitation of children in the workplace or the use of forced labour. In accordance with the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and national laws, OM restricts employment to those aged 16 or older, or the local minimum employment age, whichever is higher. All temporary workers used by OM and all third party-employed workers who perform work on OM’s premises, shall meet these minimum age requirements. If OM engages any young person under the age of 16 (for example on work experience), it will ensure that a suitable risk assessment is carried out and that the young person(s) is/are not exposed to any hazardous conditions, or work more than the legally permitted hours per day.
OM does not tolerate the use of unlawful child labour or forced labour within its supply chain and is committed to ensuring that none of its suppliers employ or use child labour or forced labour in any manner.
This statement was approved by Imogen O'Connor, CEO, in July 2024.